Friday, July 09, 2004

Homespun Bloggers

[Note: Homespun Bloggers is on a temporary hiatus. We'll be back in (relatively) short order.]

Have you ever been sitting in front of your blog wondering: Does anybody even read this thing? I’ll admit it…I have.

There are obviously any number of ways to get your blog ‘out there’ and I’d like to add Homespun Bloggers to that list.

Interested? Here’s the deal:

Homespun Bloggers is a loose association of bloggers for whom blogging is a labor of love, and no more.

To allow amateur bloggers to provide support (both moral and traffic related) to one another.

Membership Requirements
I) To be eligible to become a Homespun Blogger one must 1) have a blog, 2) keep that blog relatively family-friendly and 3) earn a living in some realm other than selling one’s opinions. In other words, we are a group of family-friendly bloggers who blog for no financial gain. (Note: A blogger may gain some financial benefit from his or her blog, but that compensation should not be a ‘major’ source of income (you be the judge).)

II) Each member will maintain one of the Homespun Bloggers buttons (found here (kindly provided by Liberal Utopia)) as a hotlink to Homespun Bloggers, where links to all Homespun Bloggers will be maintained.

III) Each member will maintain one of two Homespun blogrolls.
-First option: You may choose to post a full, manually maintained (by you), list of links (current html code avaliable at the start of membership).
-Second option: You may use the Blogrolling code found here to display the 35 most recently updated Homespun blogs (kindly maintained by Jeremy at pacetown).

Cool Stuff

Aside from the obvious benefits of joining Homespun Bloggers (lots of links) we are also constantly looking for ways to improve.

The weekly Best Of has been a staple of Homespun since the beginning. This is an opportunity for each Homespun blogger to submit a post they would people to read. If you'd like to take part just put the information in the correct format (to make my life easier =)) and send it along. I'll put all the blog names, links and excerpts together and post them here, at the Homespun blog, each Sunday evening (or Monday morning).

We have also added a Topic of the Week to generate debate among a great group of bloggers. Major Dad (majordad1984-at-gmail-dot-com) is in charge of this weekly feature, so drop him an email when you have a response you'd like to share.

We are also have a feature that you'll be hard-pressed to find anywhere but Homespun Bloggers. Doug, of Considerettes, hosts Homespun Bloggers Radio. Homespun Bloggers are encouraged to submit audio files filled to the brim with their insightful, witty and/or humorous thoughts and just about any topic they like. If you're interested drop him a line (doug.payton-at-fullscope-dot-com) and see if you're got a face for radio =).

Sound good? Send me an email and join Homespun Bloggers!

New Edition: Homespun Bloggers Tech Support