Best Of Homespun Bloggers September 12th, 2004
The whole Russian story was just too depressing to revisit, so I figured something lighter would be appropriate for this week's 'best of'. On that note, I give you ...
Thatsa spicy meatball! - or I drink pesticide by the bottle
The Dutch are having fun messing with the minds and mouths of local
lagomorphs. They're spraying their fields with Tobasco to keep the
little buggers from chowing down on tasty (and expensive) comestibles.
...Spraying fields with the American sauce Tabasco sends the
rabbits "three feet in the air" with shock and running for cover, said a
spokesman for a local agriculture cooperative.
I recently recieved an e-mail from entitled "Why this Republican won't be voting for Bush." It was heartbreaking story of the family of a reluctant soldier killed in Iraq.
Terrible stuff. I've read a lot of these kinds of stories lately.
But while reading it, I was reminded of Churchill:
The Southern Conservative
For Some, Labor Day Is No Celebration
Both locally and nationally, labor unions are the most corrupt, ineffective, disingenuous organizations in the country today. On a local level, my experiences
with our local union have been almost entirely negative. Our union (and this is typical) is steered by officers and executive committee members who hold the same older seniority ranks. Therefore, they’re only concerned about issues that affect people who have older seniority. The standard response from shop stewards and officers when a younger person goes to them with a problem is ”Contractually, there’s nothing we can do about it.”
Weapon of Mass Distraction
Revenge of the pajama people!
Coming soon to a theater near you:
Bill's Big Bloviating Blog
Observations From the Football Game
I was encouraged to see a goodly number of very young college students wearing Bush stickers. As a matter of fact, they seemed to outnumber the somewhat older crowd wearing Kerry stickers. Keep in mind, we’re talking major league college town here, so I’d consider it a Kerry stronghold. I have a couple of theories: (check them out on this post)
Chris Berg
Why don't I get advanced notices of things like this?
The Life After Capitalism Forum. Entry is "$10 to $20 on a sliding
scale" with "ticket discounts available for low-income groups." I fear
that I would be charged the higher amount, plus a levy for my
privileged upbringing.
And don't worry about Joe Sunflower Anarchist Jr. "Childcare will be
provided by The Radical Teachers," a group that apparently is so
organised that it gets capitalisation. Not that radical then, I would
argue. True equality will occur with the dictatorship of the
The French Connection
We've known for some time that France has tried to subvert our efforts in Iraq. France never liked the original "sanctions regime" of the 1990s, and proposed
several times that they be weakened. After our invasion we found recently manufactured French missiles. We know that many French officials were deeply involved in what has become known as the Oil for Food Scandal.
However, the situation may have been far worse than we
Bunker Mulligan
Remember how Nixon was brought down by our heroic media, Woodward and Bernstein? We now have a new Watergate--CBS News may have promoted a forged document to prove Dubya had, shall we say, problems during his tenure in the Texas Air National Guard.
The Terriorists
There's a Sucker Born Every Minute
The Mystery Guest Blogger (safe bet it isn't me) over at Meryl Yourish's site intended to reveal how cats train their humans. What MGB actually exposes is the perfect template for how Demo-cat politicians train their voters.
The Unmentionables
The Continuing Fallout from Vietnam
The blood trail is on the ground and the hounds are closing in. Such is the legacy of Vietnam, Watergate, Walter Cronkite--and the CBS dynasty.CBS has been the broadcast outlet of record for the Democrat Party for so long, they have forgotten they are publically licensed entity. And until he "stepped down" from the post, Walter Cronkite was the kingmaker--the "most trusted man in America."
Keystone Military News
Holiday Stockings for Soldiers
Yes, I know it is only September and the leaves have not even begun to change colors here, the kids just went back to school and the pumpkins are not yet ready to be picked. Unfortunately in order to get our holiday packages to our troops on time we need to start getting everything together and raising the funds to ship the packages.
This year we are doing Holiday Stockings for Soldiers and our goal is to send 5,000 stockings to the troops on our care package list. That right you read that correctly. Our care package list of names now exceeds 5,000! How would you like to be the Grinch that has to decide who doesn't get a stocking? NOT ME! So to avoid that problem we plan on sending one to every soldier, sailor and marine who has asked us for mail and care packages.
Evolution vs. Creationism: Round 3
I'm going to stay with this subject (rounds 1 & 2) for at least a little while longer both because it fascinates me and because it has generated some interest and hey...I give the people what they want =).
This evening I received an email from CJ (of The Unmentionables fame) directing me to a post at World Magazine Blog on this very topic. Here's one thing in the post that caught my eye:
The Therapy Sessions
Why this libertarian will
I recently recieved an e-mail from entitled "Why this Republican won't be voting for Bush."
It was heartbreaking story of the family of a reluctant soldier killed in Iraq.
Terrible stuff. I've read a lot of these kinds of stories lately.
But while reading it, I was reminded of Churchill:
The whole Russian story was just too depressing to revisit, so I figured something lighter would be appropriate for this week's 'best of'. On that note, I give you ...
Thatsa spicy meatball! - or I drink pesticide by the bottle
The Dutch are having fun messing with the minds and mouths of local
lagomorphs. They're spraying their fields with Tobasco to keep the
little buggers from chowing down on tasty (and expensive) comestibles.
...Spraying fields with the American sauce Tabasco sends the
rabbits "three feet in the air" with shock and running for cover, said a
spokesman for a local agriculture cooperative.
Why this libertarian will
I recently recieved an e-mail from entitled "Why this Republican won't be voting for Bush." It was heartbreaking story of the family of a reluctant soldier killed in Iraq.
Terrible stuff. I've read a lot of these kinds of stories lately.
But while reading it, I was reminded of Churchill:
"Many people think that the best way to escape war is to dwell upon its horror. They flaunt the grisly photographs before their eyes. They fill their ears with tales of carnage. They dilate upon the ineptitude of generals and admirals."
The Southern Conservative
For Some, Labor Day Is No Celebration
Both locally and nationally, labor unions are the most corrupt, ineffective, disingenuous organizations in the country today. On a local level, my experiences
with our local union have been almost entirely negative. Our union (and this is typical) is steered by officers and executive committee members who hold the same older seniority ranks. Therefore, they’re only concerned about issues that affect people who have older seniority. The standard response from shop stewards and officers when a younger person goes to them with a problem is ”Contractually, there’s nothing we can do about it.”
Weapon of Mass Distraction
Revenge of the pajama people!
Coming soon to a theater near you:

Bill's Big Bloviating Blog
Observations From the Football Game
I was encouraged to see a goodly number of very young college students wearing Bush stickers. As a matter of fact, they seemed to outnumber the somewhat older crowd wearing Kerry stickers. Keep in mind, we’re talking major league college town here, so I’d consider it a Kerry stronghold. I have a couple of theories: (check them out on this post)
Chris Berg
Why don't I get advanced notices of things like this?
The Life After Capitalism Forum. Entry is "$10 to $20 on a sliding
scale" with "ticket discounts available for low-income groups." I fear
that I would be charged the higher amount, plus a levy for my
privileged upbringing.
And don't worry about Joe Sunflower Anarchist Jr. "Childcare will be
provided by The Radical Teachers," a group that apparently is so
organised that it gets capitalisation. Not that radical then, I would
argue. True equality will occur with the dictatorship of the
The French Connection
We've known for some time that France has tried to subvert our efforts in Iraq. France never liked the original "sanctions regime" of the 1990s, and proposed
several times that they be weakened. After our invasion we found recently manufactured French missiles. We know that many French officials were deeply involved in what has become known as the Oil for Food Scandal.
However, the situation may have been far worse than we
Bunker Mulligan
Remember how Nixon was brought down by our heroic media, Woodward and Bernstein? We now have a new Watergate--CBS News may have promoted a forged document to prove Dubya had, shall we say, problems during his tenure in the Texas Air National Guard.
The Terriorists
There's a Sucker Born Every Minute
The Mystery Guest Blogger (safe bet it isn't me) over at Meryl Yourish's site intended to reveal how cats train their humans. What MGB actually exposes is the perfect template for how Demo-cat politicians train their voters.
The Unmentionables
The Continuing Fallout from Vietnam
The blood trail is on the ground and the hounds are closing in. Such is the legacy of Vietnam, Watergate, Walter Cronkite--and the CBS dynasty.CBS has been the broadcast outlet of record for the Democrat Party for so long, they have forgotten they are publically licensed entity. And until he "stepped down" from the post, Walter Cronkite was the kingmaker--the "most trusted man in America."
Keystone Military News
Holiday Stockings for Soldiers
Yes, I know it is only September and the leaves have not even begun to change colors here, the kids just went back to school and the pumpkins are not yet ready to be picked. Unfortunately in order to get our holiday packages to our troops on time we need to start getting everything together and raising the funds to ship the packages.
This year we are doing Holiday Stockings for Soldiers and our goal is to send 5,000 stockings to the troops on our care package list. That right you read that correctly. Our care package list of names now exceeds 5,000! How would you like to be the Grinch that has to decide who doesn't get a stocking? NOT ME! So to avoid that problem we plan on sending one to every soldier, sailor and marine who has asked us for mail and care packages.
Evolution vs. Creationism: Round 3
I'm going to stay with this subject (rounds 1 & 2) for at least a little while longer both because it fascinates me and because it has generated some interest and hey...I give the people what they want =).
This evening I received an email from CJ (of The Unmentionables fame) directing me to a post at World Magazine Blog on this very topic. Here's one thing in the post that caught my eye:
The Therapy Sessions
Why this libertarian will
I recently recieved an e-mail from entitled "Why this Republican won't be voting for Bush."
It was heartbreaking story of the family of a reluctant soldier killed in Iraq.
Terrible stuff. I've read a lot of these kinds of stories lately.
But while reading it, I was reminded of Churchill:
"Many people think that the best way to escape war is to dwell upon its horror. They flaunt the grisly photographs before their eyes. They fill their ears with tales of carnage. They dilate upon the ineptitude of generals and admirals."
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