Monday, January 10, 2005

Homespun Symposium VIII

Our eighth installment of the Homespun Bloggers Symposium comes from CJ at The Unmentionables. After posting your response, email marvin at marvinhutchens dot com with the link and it'll be added here.

This week's question:

What, in your opinion, are the moral responsibilities of the individual citizen in the United States (or your own country) today and how do you believe people should act upon (or react to) those perceived responsibilities?


Homespun Responses

Mad Poets Anonymous
Weapons of Mass Distraction
Being Thomas Luongo
The Unmentionables
Ogre's Politics and Views
Little Red Blog
The Redhunter
Major Dad 1984
Three Men and a Blog
Dagney's Rant
The Commons at Paulie World