Sunday, November 20, 2005

Homespun Symposium XXXVII

All...again I must apologize to the ranks for not keeping up with the weekly topic. Sometimes the 9-5 job just seems to want more time than it deserves.

This week saw a lot of commotion on both sides of the aisle in Congress, so I thought that our esteemed representatives deserved a little attention here by the learned folks that respond to the Symposium question.

Without further's the 37th Symposium question...

What do you make of the "up or down" vote that would have demanded the immediate withdrawl of all American forces from Iraq?

As always, there is no right or wrong answer...only yours that you wish to share.

Please feel free to post it as a comment to this post OR you can email it to me at MajorDad1984 - at - gmail - dot - com.

Thanks for your support!
