Monday, March 20, 2006

6 New Bloggers


Best Of Homespun Bloggers March 19th, 2006


The Superficial is becoming crap

I used to like The Superficial because it not only gave me some common ground in our celebrity obsessed world (being a no TV and very few movies kinda guy) and because it was damn funny, i.e...


Flying Cow Leaves Two Police Cars in Flames

A cow falls out of the back of a cattle trailer near Seguin, Texas. One officer is nearly hit by a speeding truck with 2 illegal immigrants inside. While looking for the illegals, several cops parked their cars on dry grass, which ignited and burned up the cars.


Harold Hatley

Mr. Hatley was definitely a sheepdog:

According to police, a surveillance video showed Harold Hatley, 73, leaving his seat at the counter and getting in the line of fire, which enabled others to flee.
Stop The ACLU

The ACLU Vs. American Sovereignty

Currently the ACLU are appealing to the U.N. Human Rights Committee with their cries of how evil the United States Government is.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

3 4 New Bloggers


Monday, March 06, 2006

Best Of Homespun Bloggers March 6th, 2006

Collecting My Thoughts

2227 The daughter-in-law--taking applications

You've seen the reality show about the bachelor choosing a wife. Why couldn't there be a show called "The daughter-in-law?" I've thought of throwing a big party and inviting all the single women I know to meet my son--he'd be the only guy at the party (unfortunately, most are in their 50s and 60s, and one in her 80s). He has excellent manners and I'm sure would make them all feel special, but would probably not speak to me for awhile.

Once More Into the Breach

I'm Only Eating This Chocolate for Medicinal Purposes

Who says food that is good for you has to taste bad?


Immigration or Conquest, Absorption or Surrender?

When a People immigrates to your country and demands you
accommodate their lifestyle and principles by abandoning your own, it's no
longer called immigration, it's called conquest. [...]

However, [the media] having caved once, no one should really be
surprised when next year there are whole new sets of protest placards printed
up making new and evermore reasonable claims of ownership on the
definition of more of the West's essential freedoms: [...]


Mark Wilson

Take a moment from your busy Fat Tuesday to remember the brave men who put their lives on the line in trying to stop David Arroyo from killing his son and wife. While many law enforcement officers made a good account of themselves that day (in particular Smith County Sheriff's Deputy Sherman Dollison, although there were many others), one man stands out because he was a civilian who just happened to be a sheepdog who moved to the sound of the guns: